Orientation Scolaire au Maroc
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Index du forum Enseignement Secondaire - التعليم الثانوي Bac - بكالوريا

Language : The futur perfect simple

Instructions et consignes sur Bac au maroc, des cours, des exemples d'examens, des discussions sur les programmes adoptées lors du bac.توجيهات، ونصائح، دروس، أمثلة الإمتحانات، نقاشات حول المقررات المعتمدة في البكالوريا.

Language : The futur perfect simple

Messagepar adchaf » Ven 25 Jan 2013 18:29

cours pratiques en ligne

……..Will+ have+ past participial : -by the 2010
                                                     -in a short time
                                                     -in 5 years time
                                                     -Before June

- Barbara and Soufiane will have visited
The south of Morocco by the end of the month

Subvention: agrant ?a credit, a lown
To apply forto write an application ( a letter) ?
a municipality = communes

Bonne chance a tous!
Adil :)
Messages: 345
Inscription: Mar 14 Fév 2012 12:34
Localisation: Fes
Statut: Autre

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